Beta testing for the NFT/UI/UX release has been concluded. At the time of this writing, version 2.0.4 is in production for Android and 2.0.5 is on its way for IOS. 10/17/22

If you subscribed to the beta test program on Android, you should leave the beta program. You can do so from within the app store listing for Wallawallet and click the “leave” link, so that you will only get production versions of the application going forward.

Opening Issues / Providing Feedback

If you have any issues with Wallawallet, please use your preferred method for opening issues or providing feedback.

NFT Testing (HIP412/Opensea)

If you would like to provide feedback for NFT testing or share NFTs with the development team at Ledgerama on the testnet so we can improve our user experience with regard to your HIP412/Opensea-compliant NFTs as time and resources allow for us, please do.

Wallawallet supports (to the best extent possible given the resources and time investment of Ledgerama) HIP412 NFTs, including certain portions of the related OpenSea spec. We do not claim that either spec is fully-supported and rely on the collective feedback of the NFT developer community to determine which portions of the spec require more attention.

Feel free to share and send the Wallawallet dev team your testnet NFTs so they can also test the browsing experience and proactively improve it as able. There are 50 associate token slots available for each account listed below.

Enabling Testnet and Importing Shared NFT Account

Here’s a demo on how to enable the testnet in Wallawallet and also to import the shared NFT test account mentioned below in the NFT Testing section.

Enable Testnet Demo for NFT Shared